Monday 29 September 2008

Let's Stay Optimistic

Of course, everyone is talking about the Credit Crunch and how bad things are. And sure – they are not easy. But there's still room for optimism.

At my end of the market clients are still seeking ways to exploit their potential and to sell themselves. Clients are still looking for innovative ways to survive and that means few are cutting back on hiring services to help them with market positioning or helping them re engineer their brands and operations.

Despite the downturn, people are still spending money. In my local high street there are tens of jobs being advertised in shop windows for part and full time retail staff. And amongst my clients, businesses are still winning projects and clients, they are still needing to market and advertise what they do.

I met a guy last week who was forced to take the leap from his job. When I saw him a few weeks ago days before his anticipated redundancy, he was scared. Now he's bullish. He has opportunities as a freelance consultant with more gigs than he can handle. He met with me to see if I had the bandwidth to handle new projects, to share some of the opportunities together. And I don't. I'm busy too. Starting on a new assignment today, things continuing.

Writing this is in my second favourite coffee shop in Brushfield St, I'm in the shadow of offices blocks in The City of London where large floors of people would disagree with me. Yes, I know things are tough but opportunities persist for those who are enterprising enough to carve them out. I acknowledge, it is a tough time for property, banking and mortgages and anyone who works in those sectors. It is a tough time for anyone trying to secure start up funding. But at the end of the spectrum with small virtual businesses, freelancers, one person business units, people who keep it lean and do not overexpose themselves, hey – there is still business out there.

It's just about embracing and surviving change...

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