Monday 8 February 2010

Rethink Success: Stop Chasing The Numbers

There’s so much pressure to chase the big audiences. Whether you’re a shop, a small business, a brand, an author, a band, a new movie the questions are always about: how big is your audience? How many people bought your product? How many clients do you have? How many visits did you have to your blog? How many followers do you have?

But success doesn’t always need such obvious benchmarks. Your brand or product doesn’t have to be the market leader or the biggest to be a success. It just has to have impact, to fill a niche, resonate, make a difference, solve a problem, fulfil a need.

If you stop chasing the numbers and focus instead on your talent and how you can make a difference to your clients and audience (whatever their numbers) you’ll still find success. You’ve just got to remind yourself that on this occasion, size doesn’t matter.

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