Thursday 28 January 2010

Rediscover Your Spark With A Fresh Perspective

This week a taxi driver was telling me now he’d done the job for 20 years, he’d lost his initial ‘spark’. He just doesn’t enjoy it anymore.

And it’s not just taxi drivers; many of us get stale doing the same role for too long. So if you don’t have the courage to actually quit your job, how about reframing it to get that spark back?

- Try new ways of doing things. Don’t default to ‘auto’ mode for everything; try a different perspective or a fresh approach to tasks, meetings and projects.

- Reinvigorate your working environment. Moving offices, changing desks, decorating the walls - even putting some flowers in a vase - can improve your outlook and motivation.

- Go outside your comfort zone. Meet new people, lunch with co-workers you never hung out with before, extend your role, add new responsibilities.

- Think and Reflect. Keep a journal; define some goals and make notes on your desires and achievements.

- Be authentic. Incorporate more of the real you into your working day, don’t leave your personality at the door.

Okay, so it might be easier in some jobs than others. But even for my bored taxi driver, a clean of his car, listening to a new radio station, trying some new routes around town and keeping a journal of interesting passengers *could* make a world of difference and give him back that spark.

You’ve just got to try it.

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