Wednesday 26 December 2007

Write A List!

For as long as I can remember i have been a passionate list maker.

To do lists.
Bullet point lists of business tasks and goals.
Lists of personal stuff.
Lists of themes for my new book.

I sometimes wonder how people in business survive without lists. Whilst inevitably I remember all the important things I need to do, and have a clear vision of my priorities, The List is so valuable for all that stuff I might otherwise forget and for coming up with all those good ideas.

As a list-lover I have enjoyed Sasha Cagen's To Do List blog, and now there's a book of the same name, with contributions of random lists of everything from work goals to attributes for an ideal partner. Cagen also conducted some research on people who make lists which is included in an Appendix. It reveals 89% of people who make lists prefer pen and paper then electronic lists and 86% say lists make them more productive. And an overwhelming 96% of respondents said life is better with to-do lists.

Anyway, gotta dash, I have to go and write a list...

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